Monday, October 15, 2012

Hi, my name is Susan - let me introduce myself.

Hi, and thanks for visiting my blog.  
OK, just to start with, let me introduce myself and share a little about me before we start this journey:

My name is Susan, I am 40yrs old, but don't feel a day over 30!  lol  Me and my husband Michael live in Ballarat in Victoria, Australia.  We don't have kids, but we do have a fur-baby, my 16 year old cat Monty.

I have a lot of baggage from childhood - things that I had kept bottled up inside of me and never started to address until about 10 years ago when I realised they were eating me up from the inside out.  I'm still working through them, but I'm a hell of a long way from where I was.

It was around that time that I decided to take control of my weight issue and I lost about 2 stone and was feeling amazing!  I was healthy, energetic and determined to keep the weight off.  But then something happened that derailed me.  It was something that I allowed to affect me emotionally and rather than get control of those emotions I played the victim card - you know that 'poor me' and 'why does this always happen to me' mindset, and wallowed in self-pity for an entire summer, sitting on the couch eating and watching the entire series of Sex in the City!  I was really not in a good place. I was giving up on me.

It was not long after that when I met my husband.  He makes me want to be a better person every day of my life and I love and appreciate him so much for his continual love and support.  After just 1 short year of being together he was diagnosed with Huntington's Disease and could no longer work.  I was doing 4 hour daily commutes to work and we were not able to more - this went on for 8 months.  I was exhausted all the time, and on weekends when I had more time I really didn't feel like I did nothing....and the weight piled on.

I was in a very negative mindset.  I was not happy.  There was often a lot of tension in our relationship.  I was having outbursts of anger at complete strangers and then feeling so down on myself as I did not want to be that person.  

After being retrenched in the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, I came across a business opportunity that was in Personal Development. I had read a lot of personal development books in the past, but had not seen anything like this program, so I purchased the program and got started in my own business, and I am forever grateful that I did, as this is what has helped me turn my life around from negative to positive! I'm writing this I can't help but think - you really have to hit rock bottom sometimes before you can start fresh and lift yourself up.

Not long after that we decided to move from Sydney to Ballarat to be closer to my family.  So, no more commute, a lot more time, but even still, my exercise was very sporadic.  When i was at the gym I enjoyed it, but getting there in the first place was the challenge.

As hubby was unable to work and with our debts I was still working full-time, caring for him and the house and running my home business in my spare time.  I rarely made time for me.

I have been using my personal development program to help my mindset, and I am happier and so much more positive than I have ever been in my life.  It has helped me to learn how to make better choices.  It has taught me to take action and not just think or talk about it, but to BE about it. But, there was one BIG thing that I had not addressed - and that was my health, fitness...and my weight.

Last year came with a health scare - having gallstones and needing an operation to have my gallbladder removed.  My brother has just been diagnosed with diabetes, which my dad had until he passed away in 2005.  So all of this is screaming out at me that I had better look after my health now, before it's too late!  I want to get back in control - I want the old me back!

At the moment in my program I've been studying about the anatomy of a decision, and what it takes to carry that decision through, how to course correct and actually get the result.  So, in applying that to my health I decided to take action.  Not later, not next year...but now! 

So, I signed myself up for Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation.  

For me, this journey is about taking back control, making the commitment, and taking the consistent action needed to get the results!

I have done the hard work in the past to lose a lot of weight and I know I can do it again.
I know what foods I should and shouldn't eat - and I know how to diet.
I know how to exercise and train and what it takes to get the results.

But...having the support of a trainer, that also uses mindset lessons to help you make the changes for good - that's what I'm going to get out of this.  And the support of an entire community who are aiming for the same goals.

If you want to achieve a goal - surround yourself with others who also want to achieve their goals.  Your success is dependent on it. 

This has been an emotional journey for me, but one that I am thoroughly looking forward to because I know how grateful I will be when I get the fitter, healthier and much slimmer body that I deserve!

Bring it on Baby!!!


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